Cincinnati Announces BlocMaps Partnership
By Green Umbrella
Published March 6, 2024
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Green Umbrella is hosting the first Greater Cincinnati Regional Green Schoolyards Summit on Wednesday, June 5 at Aiken New Tech High School.
Source: Highland County Press
Green Umbrella to host inaugural Greater Cincinnati Regional Green Schoolyards Summit
By Green Umbrella, Press Release
Green Umbrella is hosting the first Greater Cincinnati Regional Green Schoolyards Summit on Wednesday, June 5 at Aiken New Tech High School.
This Summit, hosted by Green Umbrella’s Green Schoolyards Action Network, will showcase collaboration among key partners in the movement to create accessible, equitable outdoor learning spaces for children at Cincinnati Public Schools.
Highlights from the Summit will include:
”Green Umbrella is excited to showcase the remarkable strides Cincinnati Public Schools has made over the last few years in expanding access to outdoor learning and play, and farm to school food sourcing and education, through extensive collaboration,” says Ryan Mooney-Bullock, Green Umbrella Executive Director. “We hope that this event will inspire other schools across our region to commit to increasing equitable access to time outside for their students. Spending time in natural environments is a key ingredient to mental and physical health, success in school, and developing interest in green careers.”
Registration is open now at, and space is limited. This is an inclusive event and scholarships are available by contacting the Green Schoolyards Manager, Cynthia Walters, at
Green Umbrella leads cross-sector collaboration to accelerate climate action across Greater Cincinnati.
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By Green Umbrella
Published November 3, 2023
By Green Umbrella
Published August 14, 2023