Our Mission

Green Umbrella leads cross-sector collaboration to accelerate climate action across Greater Cincinnati.

Our Vision
We envision a thriving region where:
Climate action is regional, equitable, and collaborative
Community voice is centered and supported
Our people, communities, and environments are interconnected and resilient
Our Values
Environmental Stewardship
We believe caring for the land, water, and air will enhance and restore our region for generations to come. We promote intentional stewardship of our natural and built environments across individual, organizational, and institutional levels.
Regional Collaboration
We trust in the power of the collective and recognize the need for collaboration in climate efforts. Working regionally is critical and urgent—the climate crisis is borderless, but coordinated action leads to proven results.
Community Well-being
We know that climate justice is health justice. We prioritize community well-being and acknowledge the social, cultural, economic, and environmental conditions that impact quality of life for all in our region.
Equity & Justice
We recognize the historic and continued environmental injustices imposed on marginalized groups. We are committed to addressing the conditions that perpetuate harm and to advocating for repair.
Our History
The organization that became Green Umbrella was born in 1998, although its roots go back years farther. In 1991, the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency founded the Hamilton County Environmental Action Commission to respond to public and governmental concerns about the environment in and around Cincinnati. This Action Commission spearheaded several efforts to address local problems, and in 1995 initiated the Hamilton County Environmental Priorities Project, a broadly based citizens’ study group.
Green Umbrella launches in response to diminishing natural areas and biodiversity in the Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana region. Concerned community members and organizations collaborate on an initial strategic plan in order to preserve and restore greenspace in Greater Cincinnati.
Green Umbrella members develop and distribute the first regional “Greenprint Map”, a visual representation of the most important corridors and habitats in Greater Cincinnati for preservation.
Beginning in 2005, Green Umbrella issued two "greenpapers" with research about the value of greenspace.
Green Umbrella begins to host Great Outdoor Weekend, an annual event showcasing outdoor recreation and education, allowing member organizations to offer free events and engage thousands of participants.
Green Umbrella expands its mission to become the sustainability alliance for the region in partnership with Agenda 360 and Vision 2015. The Collective Impact model is adopted, inaugural Action Teams are formed, and our first Executive Director is hired. Green Umbrella also becomes the fiscal agent of SideStreams, now a standalone nonprofit with the mission of building gardens and creating locally grown fresh food projects alongside people living in food desert communities.
Green Umbrella becomes the non-profit sponsor and fiscal agent of Cincinnati’s first bike-share program, which over time evolved into Cincinnati RedBike. Green Umbrella also takes on Adventure Crew, with initial oversight in partnership with the ABC Foundation.
2014 - The first Midwest Regional Sustainability Summit is hosted by Green Umbrella and partners, bringing together leaders across the Midwest to share innovative ideas and practices related to environmental sustainability.
Green Umbrella launches its first two staffed initiatives: Tri-State Trails and the Greater Cincinnati Regional Food Policy Council, building on work from the Regional Trails Alliance and Local Food Action Team's efforts.
The Cincinnati 2030 District is formed as Green Umbrella's third staffed initiative, joining an international network of cities focused on transforming the built environment.
A new strategic plan, mission, and vision are developed, replacing Action Teams with Impact Teams for more focused and measurable goals. Green Umbrella initiates the CPS Outside Impact Team, Faith Communities Go Green, among others.
Green Umbrella introduces a Climate Action program focusing on aiding local governments in sustainability, resilience, equity efforts, and regional collaboration.
The Common Orchard Project is adopted by Green Umbrella, focused on growing public orchards to increase food access, greenspace, & community building.
Green Umbrella’s Greenspace Alliance is relaunched. Green Umbrella and Tri-State Trails initiate the process of spinning off Tri-State Trails into an independent organization, allowing both entities to enhance their impact and continue supporting their respective programs. Green Umbrella launches inaugural Regional Climate Collaborative programming to build capacity for local governments.
Green Umbrella expands its Regional Climate Collaborative program to an overarching strategic framework, creating a network of people, organizations, and governments committed to taking decisive action in the face of climate change. Learn more about our work and vision here.