Our vision is a resilient regional food system
The Greater Cincinnati Regional Food Policy Council is a network of food systems advocates from across Greater Cincinnati creating a resilient regional food system together through policy and systems change. For us, resilience is social, environmental, and economic.

What Is a Food Policy Council?

A food policy council (FPC) is a multi-sector stakeholder group that addresses food systems needs and issues though policy. FPCs are diverse and numerous. Some of the features that make ours special are our:
Please contact our Food Policy Council Community Manager Qeiara Manuel-Fuller at qeiara@greenumbrella.org if you have any questions.
How We Work
Build Networks
Food systems change is rooted in cross-sector collaboration. We cultivate shared spaces for networking and learning.
Increase Capacity
Food systems change requires resources. We support these efforts with technical assistance, educational resources, and funding.
Amplify Stories
Stories help us collaborate and celebrate progress. We uplift stories of transformation in our food system.
Change Policies
Policies dictate who can participate in our regional food system. We work with partners to advocate for policy and systems change across the region.
Our Priorities
Farms & Land Use: Local farms are the bedrock of our local food system.
Access & Education: The ability to consume nutritious food is a key social determinant of health.
Infrastructure: A strengthened local and regional food supply chain will increase resilience and economic growth for our communities.
Institutions: Organizations create and expand markets for local food by vastly expanding their local food purchases.
Meet our Council Members
Our Current Projects
Convening and Connecting Food Systems Leaders
We are gathering within Policy Committees monthly to share information and identify needs and resources. These working groups bring views from across the region and the food system together for shared messaging and aligned action.
Advocating for Resilient Regional Food Policy
We are educating decision-makers about the ways policy and procedure impact our food systems while training other community members in the skills they need to be advocates. We are advising on areas for improvement by participating in local climate action and health planning and joining in coalition with other organizations to shape state and federal policy.
Analyzing Data for Informed Action
We are developing tools and processes to collect, compile, and share timely information that reflects our regional context. This information enables us to monitor impact and chart the next steps into the future, anticipating climate change and other trends. We are sharing stories to aid mutual understanding and keep lived experience at the forefront.
Supporting Farm to Institution Supply Chains
We are supporting local and regional institutions in adopting policies and programming that prioritize community nutrition and benefit area businesses, reducing emissions, keeping resources in Greater Cincinnati, and strengthening connections.
Food Policy Council Member Profiles
Alan Wight
Published January 2, 2025
Meiser’s Fresh Grocery and Deli
Published October 4, 2024
Rich Life Farm and Fungi
Published October 4, 2024
Learn more about our regional food system
Green Umbrella's Food Policy Council is sponsored by:
Sustainer Sponsors

Leader Sponsors

We work closely with numerous partners in food policy, including Kentucky Food Action Network (KFAN), Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA), Ohio Food Policy Network (OFPN), National Farm to School Network (NSFN), and others.