Climate Fresk Workshop
February 15 @ 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Climate Fresk was developed in France in 2015 by Cedric Ringenbach. The Climate Fresk NGO was founded in 2018. Over two million people have participated in the workshop in 162 countries.
In a Climate Fresk Workshop, a team of 4-8 participants is presented with five sets of cards sequentially. Each card displays an element of the world in which we live that impacts and/or is impacted by climate change. The task for the team is to place the cards in approximate cause and effect order and to find the relationships among the cards. All participants take an active role in the building-up of the Fresk, becoming participative learners. As the workshop progresses, the team will draw arrows between cards to illustrate the relationships. As participants link the causes and effects of climate change, they are able to take a step back and see the systemic nature of the process that is unfolding.
The workshop will be held in the meeting room at the Clifton Branch Library. Advance registration is requied. Email cstenken@justearthcincy.org with the subject “Climate Fresk.”
Only 4-8 participants can be accommodated. Please indicate the number of people registering.