Covington, Milford and Oxford receive support to plan for effects of climate change


Green Umbrella selected Oxford, Covington and Milford to participate in its Climate Action Fellowship Program this summer.

By Green Umbrella,

Published June 3, 2024

Group 4328



Image: Bill Rinehart / WVXU Covington, KY as seen from Devou Park

Source: WVXU

Covington, Milford and Oxford receive support to plan for effects of climate change

Green Umbrella selected Oxford, Covington and Milford to participate in its Climate Action Fellowship Program this summer.

The three local governments will receive support for climate action planning — creating policy that provides communities with actions to take to address the negative effects of climate change.

Currently, just a few cities in Greater Cincinnati have developed climate action plans, like the Green Cincinnati Plan.

“There’s not nearly enough coordinated climate action happening right now in our communities,” said Savannah Sullivan, senior director of programs and climate strategy for the nonprofit Green Umbrella. “That’s where Green Umbrella comes in, to help way-find and then support these governments in reaching those goals, and not only goals within their individual jurisdiction, but collaborating together.”

The three cities selected for the 2024 Climate Action Fellowship are all at different stages of the planning process.

Oxford is one of the few municipalities in Greater Cincinnati that have created a climate action plan.

“We’re looking forward to collaborating with them to just further expand upon what they already have and support their advancement in the mitigation realm, as well as introducing a bit more resilience and adaptation efforts,” Sullivan said.

That could look like incorporating more green infrastructure and expanding the city’s tree canopy.

Covington city commissioners approved a resolution that supported the creation of policies relating to climate change in 2019.

Sullivan said the Climate Action Fellowship will provide the Northern Kentucky city with “capacity to move that into more practical action.”

Milford, meanwhile, is formally beginning its climate action planning.

Each city will work with a college student or professional throughout the fellowship.

The 10-week program is not necessarily long enough for Covington and Milford to produce complete climate action plans. But the cities will begin to work with the climate action planning framework.

“We hope that the coordination, support and the projects that we’ll be doing with local governments will help bring together the staff within the three city halls to be able to better communicate and share what the long-term climate action journey is with residents and how they can engage with the process,” Sullivan said.

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