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Meet a Greenspace Hiking Series
May 3, 2024 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
***UPDATE*** There is a chance for rain on Friday. If it’s sunny or only sprinkling rain, we will be out and hiking! If it is a downpour, we will not reschedule May’s hike; instead, we will meet again for our next hike in June!
Explore protected and unprotected greenspaces in a hiking series by Green Umbrella’s Greenspace Alliance Program. The series will include explorations of greenspace gems in addition to urban strolls. Hikes will last one hour and allow us to join nature enthusiasts, the nature curious, and environmental conservation professionals as we collectively enjoy our time together outdoors.
Our first hike will occur on Friday, May 3rd, at 3:00 p.m. at Buttercup Valley Preserve, an old-growth forest surrounded by urban neighborhoods in Parker Woods in Northside. We will meet at the Buttercup Valley Trailhead at the end of Stanford Dr. at the park’s northwest corner. Street parking is available on Stanford Dr.
If you have questions or need assistance on the day of the event*, contact Greenspace Alliance Manager Claire Carlson at claire@greenumbrella.org.
*If there is inclement weather, we will postpone the hike until June.