Cincinnati Passes “Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights” Resolution

Schoolyards Bill of Rights

The City of Cincinnati passed a resolution supporting the Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights, guaranteeing that every child in the city has accessible pathways to experience and interact with nature throughout their childhood.

By Kelly Morton,

Published June 3, 2024

Schoolyards Bill of Rights
Group 4328



Contributors: Kelly Morton and Cynthia Walters 

On May 30, 2024, the City of Cincinnati passed a resolution approving the Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights, which guarantees that every child in the city has accessible pathways to experience and interact with nature throughout their childhood.

Councilmember Meeka Owens submitted the resolution and Green Umbrella staff member Cynthia Walters spoke to support the Bill of Rights:

My work directly relates to providing outdoor spaces for learning, play, and for connecting children with nature. I am grateful that I get to work with so many incredible partners, school districts, elected officials, your staff, and with the Office of Environment and Sustainability.

As Green Schoolyards Manager for Green Umbrella’s Greater Cincinnati Regional Green Schoolyards Action Network, Cynthia leads a team of educators, organizations, public agencies, and volunteers working across local public school systems to expand greenspace, environmental education, and farm-to-school opportunities to K-12 students and educators across our region.

The “Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights” provides that every child in Cincinnati has the right to:

  • Be physically active and play outside every day to grow up healthy.
  • Connect with nature, discover the wonders of plants and animals, and explore the diversity of Cincinnati’s natural habitats on their schoolgrounds and in their communities.
  • Discover leadership opportunities to be stewards of nature.
  • Safe, accessible, and adequately shaded routes to green spaces or high-quality parks within a ten-minute walk of their home.
  • Equitably funded public parks regardless of zip code.
  • Be included and accommodated with accessible outdoor environments.
  • Green spaces that mitigate the impact of climate change.
  • Teachers and educators with the resources to create free or low-cost programming and educational opportunities that engage the outdoors.
  • Breathe fresh and clean air.
  • Be safe outdoors.
  • Experience the mental health and holistic wellness benefits of engaging with nature.

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